Thursday, June 12, 2014

My Artsy Fartsy Friday - Whisper Phones

Hey there! I'm here to link up with Sew Much Music and Miss Law's Kinders for Artsy Fartsy Friday! 

This summer I have been doing a lot of prep for next year (who hasn't), but my six week summer is even shorter due to the fact that I will be teaching Summer Reading the last three weeks of my summer…yikes! 

I LOVE teaching Guided Reading, so teaching summer reading is the perfect time to try out a few new tricks! 

I have read a lot about whisper phones and can think of a million ways to use them in my classroom. However, they are expensive and they don't come in fun colors. So, I am created my own! 

(if you follow me on Instagram most of these photos will look familiar)

To start…stuck to my trusty Rust-oleum flat white primer! 

Side one...

Side two…I waited about 30 minutes before flipping them over. 

Once they were primed I was super excited to use these Neon Rust-oleum colors I had found…sadly they ended up cracking, running and dripping all over. Here was what it looked like (I didn't want to take a close up of the horror).

The only color that worked was the Purple. When I went back to look at the cans I noticed that the purple can was what I needed for the rest of them. 

So, I headed back to the store to get the correct paint. 
I had learned a very important lesson...

These cans/ colors do not work when painting plastic.

These are the correct cans/colors to always use when covering plastic. 

So, I returned to have my lovely Fiancé step in and help me re-cover my mess. I really hit the jackpot with this guy! He stepped away from the Heat and Spurs game to help me! What a guy! 
We got them covered and ended up having to change some of the colors! Thank goodness it worked! (I think I like the blue better)

It took a couple of coats, but it ended up working! YAY! There are still some drips and things when you look SUPER close, but I can live with it. 

Finally, I was able to seal them just to protect them from drops and rubbing off on my kiddos hands. 

Again, I used the trusty Rust-oleum brand that I have relied on to save my tookus throughout this project. 

Sadly, the sealant made some of the purple whisper phone pieces do this...

I'm not sure why this happened, because I waited well over 45 minutes for the paint to dry. The weird thing is that it only did this so SOME of the purple pieces and it would take the paint of all the way down to the primer! It wasn't a pretty sight. Needless to say, I will be short a few purple pieces…oh well. 

Once I sealed both sides of my spiffy little pieces I was faced with a very serious question…
Now, I know how to "put them together", but I didn't know in which manner…mix and match, random or monochormaitc?
So, I did what anyone would do and I posted this picture to Instagram to find out what all of my InstaFriends thought! 

I just couldn't decide! They looked good anyway I put them together, but I had to make a decision (mainly because I needed to pull my car in the garage). Thanks to your help…I reached a final decision! 

Drumroll, please…


So, here are some of the color combinations I will have! I put these 5 together without sanding down the edges, which made it a little difficult (you can probably see some scuff marks from where my hand slipped..whoops!). So I will be spending my Friday sanding down edges and sticking the rest of these bad boys together!

I love these little things even after the few hiccups I ran into! I hope you have learned from my mistakes and will contact me if you ever want to make your own! 

Well, there ya have it! My Artsy Fartsy slightly chaotic project for the week! I can't wait to use these guys in my classroom! If you want to see how ALL of the other turned out, be sure to follow my Instagram account! I hope you enjoyed your stay!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014


Hey there! I am here to announce the lucky winner to my "100 TPT follower's Giveaway!

Let's not waste any time…

the winner is…

Congratulations, Bryn! You are the lucky winner of one product of your choice from my store! 

Go check out Bryn's TPT store and adorable blog!

Follow me on Instagram to find out which product Bryn chose and why (photo will be posted as soon as contact is made). 

Thank you to all who have participated in this nifty little giveaway.  I cannot tell you how much I appreciate all of your support. Stay tuned for a peek at my summer projects for my classroom! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

100 Followers on TPT means a GIVEAWAY!

click image to pin on pinterest

Use the image below to share on Facebook! 

WOOHOO! I have reached over 100 followers on TPT! As a 'thank you' to all of you that follow my store on TPT,  I am holding a giveaway! 

One lucky winner will get to CHOOSE one item from my store that they have had their eye on! 

Giveaway ends on Saturday, so make sure you share and check back each day to complete more entries! 

Good Luck! I will be back on Saturday to announce the winner. In the meantime, hop over to my TPT store and browse some of my latest creations! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Currently JUNE! WOOHOO!

Hey there! I'm so happy you are here! Today, I am linking up with the lovely Farley for the amazing June Currently!! YAY!!! I also have some other fun surprise's for you…so be sure to read ALL the way to the end of this post…I don't want you to miss out on any of the fun! 

Let's get rollin'…

Listening- I am currently staying at my Fiancé's house for the next two weeks and he is watching Husker baseball on ESPN. Nothin' says summer like a lil' baseball! Go Big Red!!

Loving- My awesome Fiancé! Earlier this week I had a crazy allergic reaction where I was lookin' a lot like the Michelin Man's sister and covered in itchy hives.  In short, I was lookin' REAL good. Now, I am on quite the concoction of med's and he has been taking care of me. I am very lucky to have such an awesome future husband. 

Thinking- My birthday is on June 11th and my awesome family and friends have asked me to come up with a list of things I want or would like to do for my birthday.  I am pretty excited but, I am pretty easy to please. All I want is good food and fun conversation with my family and friends around. Now…how can I make that happen? hmmm…

Wanting- Well, my wedding is a year away and I really need to get my butt in gear when it comes to getting fit! I started doing bootcamps with my future husband and then this lovely allergic reaction occurred. Sadly, my swollen feet and aching joints are preventing me from doing much of anything…I really hope this passes quick so I can get moving! 

Needing- My joints to stop aching and the swelling in my hands and feet to go away!  It's super frustrating when I can't open bottles of water or the lids to my pills on my own.  I also look like my great grandmother when I walk around…it's really cool. I will be happy when this all goes away!

Summer bucket list!- 
1. My goal is to lose 5 pounds before the beginning of my school year. This may be a little ambitious considering that I start school in July, but hey, at least I have goals! 
2. I love laying out and getting a little sun-kissed. My theory is tan fat looks better than white fat. So, I hope to get my bronze on in the next few weeks! 
3. I LOVE the Omaha Henry Doorly Zoo! The Omaha Zoo is awesome and is nationally ranked! I hope I can go to the Zoo on my birthday and check out the Sky-fari (a ski lift that takes you OVER animal exhibits and runs from the back of the Zoo to the front!) I think the Zoo may be one of my favorite places to go…if you want to see what our Zoo looks like, click here!

Well, that does it for my Currently link up…but I still have some exciting news to share with you! 

First, I am participating in a HUGE end of the year giveaway with A TON of awesome teachers! There are only a few days left to enter and win all of these amazing resources. I will be giving away my Puddle Jumper's Skip Counting unit! 

Hurry and enter this giveaway below! 

Finally, I have reached over 100 likes on my Facebook page! To celebrate I have put my End of the Year Portfolio Covers ON SALE! Now, they will only be on sale for a limited time, so if you want to grab these nifty little covers you better hurry! 
Click the image to hop over to my store and grab your own! 

Well folks, I hope you enjoyed your stay here on my lil' blog! If you want to keep up with me follow me on Facebook, Instagram and on my blog! I promise…you won't be disappointed! 

Have a wonderful week! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!