I hope you are having an amazing Monday! I have decided to join in on the fun with
Falling into First for her "Meet the Teacher" Linky! Yes, I have an awesome new tab at the top where you can read about me as well, but I love doing linky parties SO…why not!
Hey there! My name is Megan and I am a first grade teacher from Nebraska. I am a 25 year old creator, teacher, blogger and fiancé! I have been teaching for 4 glorious years and I couldn't be happier! My very first teaching job took me away from the city and to a lovely farming community straight north of my home town. My first year I taught First Grade, but missed being close to home. At the end of my first year I received the opportunity to move back to my home and district that I grew up in to teach 4th grade. Needless to say, 4th was a HUGE change that I loved, but I missed my adorable firsties. Now, I have been teaching First grade for 2 years in my hometown and I'm lovin' every minute of it!

This coming June I will be marrying the man of my dreams! So far, this year has been a little crazy between planning a wedding and planning for school, but it has been so much fun…and a bit exhausting. My fiancé is one of my greatest supporters when it comes to teaching. I can always count on him to lend a helping hand when it comes to a crazy DIY project, grading papers, cutting lamination or simply making me laugh after a rough day. I am so very blessed to be able to spend the rest of my life with this man and I can't wait!

My fiancé and I have this furry child and we love him to death! This is our one-year old ,miniature schnauzer, Kyle. Yes, his name is Kyle…we named him this because we find it humorous to chase our dog down the street shouting his name and having our neighbors think we are shouting at a "real" child. We may have an odd sense of humor, but it makes it a little easier to laugh with this fur ball decides to take off. If you follow me on Instagram you have probably seen my MANY posts of this furry face (mainly on the weekends or on breaks). He is a pretty cool schnauz with an awesome beard/mustache combo and I love him very much!
Now for the…...
These are a few of my favorite things…
My furry child, the color blue, Chinese food, yoga, Starbucks, sleeping in, new picture books, the new car smell, being spontaneous, Pinterest, blogging, creating, teaching, laughing, Eeyore, cows, dogs, zebras, reading, dark chocolate, The Hunger Games….I could probably go on and on, but we can stop there for now!
If you weren't a teacher, what would you want to be?
IF I weren't a Teacher, I would probably work at the Humane Society and spend all day long with dogs! I would probably end up bringing most of them home with me and becoming a crazy dog lady :)
Three little words that describe you.
Honest. Fun. Spontaneous I like to call it how I see it.
Finish the sentence, "______, said no teacher EVER!"
"Oh, I'm so glad that you brought all of your other children to Parent Teacher Conferences to let them destroy my classroom while we try and talk about the child you didn't bring."
It's your Birthday and you get to invite one person {Dead or Alive} to the party. Who are you inviting?
I would definitely be inviting Jennifer Lawrence! Who wouldn't want to hang with her?!
If someone wrote a book about your life, what would be the title?
"The Life Story of a People McNugget…and other stuff"…haha…I really have no clue!
You get to pick one superpower. What is it?
hmmm…this is a hard one. All I can think of is Harry Potter and those aren't superpowers….soooooo….I would have to pick invisibility.
What's your favorite quote or saying?
I have quite a few that I love, but here is one of my favorite education quotes:
“I’ve come to a frightening conclusion that I am the decisive element in the classroom. It’s my personal approach that creates the climate. It’s my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I possess a tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or heal. In all situations, it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or de-escalated and a child humanized or dehumanized.”- Dr. Hiam Ginott
If you had to sing one song on American Idol, what would it be?
I would probably have to sing Norah Jones "Don't know why"….love that song!
Are you a Morning Person or a Nigh Owl?
I am a TOTAL Night Owl! I can only function in the mornings if I have had a decent amount of coffee and if it is after 10 a.m.
What's your favorite resource that YOU'VE created in your TPT shop?
Share something that we may not know about you!
Well, I'm pretty much an open book, but…
I guess that some of you may not know that I DID NOT grow up on a farm. I am from Eastern Nebraska (very close to Omaha) and I grew up in a city, with electricity and more than one stop light. Honestly, you would be amazed by the questions I get asked about being from Nebraska! Also, you can go into almost any local establishment in Lincoln, Nebraska on game day and scream "Gooo Biiiig Reeeed" and be answered by a loud "Go Big Red" from almost all surrounding Husker fans.
Well folks, that's me in a nutshell. I hope you enjoyed this post and come back for more!
Thanks for stoppin' by!