Sunday, July 26, 2015

From Blogger to Worpress...Why and How I made the switch!

Hey there!!

Welcome to my little corner of the world wide web! My name is Meg and I am here today to answer your questions of why and how I made the switch from Blogger to Wordpress. may be wondering what the difference is between Blogger and Wordpress. The short answer is blogger is owned by google and is a great place for beginning bloggers ,while Wordpress is an intense blogging platform that allows bloggers to own their content and has a better SEO (the way people find your content).  

Image from MJ Favre. Click image for direct link to this blog post. 

Check out this post from Megan (pronounced ME-gan) on the difference between Blogger and has some great information! 

I decided to explore Wordpress because I wanted to explore my opportunities as a blogger.  After meeting so many amazing bloggy friends on Periscope and talking with so many amazing people I really wanted to take ownership of what I was putting out in the world.  I have always been curious about Wordpress, but have never been brave enough to take the leap....until now. So, here begins a new adventure...and I am excited, nervous and scared all at the same time...and I find it exhilarating! 

Now, I moved transferred my blog all on my own (and I am not a coding, AT ALL!). I did a lot of research and found this great tutorial CLICK HERE...that lead me step-by-step to moving my blog.  The greatest thing about this tutorial is that Julie (the owner and creator of this marvelous tool) will answer any questions you have by email OR she will move it for you..and for a super reasonable price! 

I am not going to lie...transferring my blog on my own was a bit stressful. It took at least 6 hours (mainly because I over thought the clicking of buttons..or my ADD kicked in) to get it transferred. The last step of moving my domain took me the longest because I didn't realize that my domain wasn't able to be transferred because it was new and I had bought it through google. Whoops! I crashed my blog trying to move my domain...which created quite the panic, but not to worry...everything worked out. 

Fun fact: If you are thinking about buying your domain and possibly exploring Wordpress...make sure you use a or blue will make our life much easier! 

There are a lot of great articles out there talking about how to transfer your blog and the opportunities it can give.  My words of advice are as follows: 

If you are new to blogging stick to blogger! Make sure blogging is something you enjoy don't have to be uber consistent or be a "large fish" by any means. Just make sure it is something you love doing.  If you get to a point where you want to expand your can make the move. I do not suggest jumping into Wordpress...there is a "learning curve"

IF you decide to move your blog from blogger to wordpress you need to make sure that you BACKUP YOUR CURRENT BLOG DESIGN!!!

Go to your blogger Dashboard >> Template and look up in the right hand corner! CLICK IT and SAVE!

From there you can follow the tutorial I have linked in this post and all will be good! Just remember to take deep breaths!

So, there ya have it. I have jumped into the Wordpress world to explore. I am nervous, scared and have made myself vulnerable in more ways than one. I hope you will join me on this journey and all of my wild and crazy ideas! 

Please feel free to contact me with any questions at , in the "Ask Megan" tab at the top of this blog or any of my social media outlets!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Friday, July 17, 2015

I'm a .com! Why it has changed!

Hey there!
I know it has been awhile, but I wanted to touch base with all of you and let you know of some new (and exciting) changes! 

First, I am now a .com!!! WOOT WOOT!! When you look for my blog you will know be redirected with a new URL!! WOOT WOOT!! I am still looking to see if bloglovin' will function with this. If it does not, please contact me ASAP.  

With my .com-ness I have brought a new "face" to my blog! Say "hello" to Meg!

I made this Pal myself thanks to Polka Dots and Pals-Build a Pal pack on TPT! I am hoping I can get a custom one made one day! (click the image for the product)

There are 2 reasons my URL has changed:

1) I have been all over Periscope and have found that with people knowing me as Meg they have been saying the title of my blog Meg's Box of Crayons. I kinda was lovin' it , so I went for it. ( was already taken...poo!) I kind of like having my name in there though! What do you think?

2) When I began blogging I wasn't really sure where it would take me, so I created a very generic blog name never really knowing what would happen.  Recently, I have found that I was kind of "hiding" behind my blog name. I want to put myself out there! I want to take ownership of my ideas and make my blog more personal, because I LIKE PEOPLE (...sometimes..)! So, I am going to be slowly making changes to my cute little blog! 

Second, I recently got married and will be teaching in a VERY LARGE district this upcoming school year! I enjoy keeping my blog a secret simply because it was meant to be my creative outlet and a way to connect with all of you! I have also found that when people discover my blog they look at my sideways and back away slowly.  I still have not quite figured out why they react that way, but OH WELL. 
So, I will slowly be removing "my face" from my blog and things to help with that. Now, that I think of it...I may limit my selfies on Instagram as well...whoops! Who knows...maybe a new design is in the future...or not...the possibilities are endless (but the funds are not...ha!)

So, there ya have it! I am a married woman exploring my .com-ness  with a million ideas (some that may happen and some that may imagination really likes to get ahead of me) for this sweet little blog of mine! 
What do you think of all my changes? Are you as excited as I am? Leave a comment and let me know!! 
Make sure to follow me to keep up with all of my crazy antics:

Have a great weekend!

Thanks for stoppin' by!

P.S.  My blog email has changed! Please contact me at! 

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Teacher-Bride ... how to handle it all (in case you missed it!)

Hey there! It's me...sharing my Teacher-Bride post just in case you missed it! 

I am here today to bring you another "Life post" on being a "Teacher-Bride", not a Princess-Bride, but a Teacher -Bride.  Now, this is a "keepin' it real" kind of post that is based solely on my current experiences (well, and some of my friends), so you will not hear me say "Oh, the days leading up to the wedding are just pure bliss"....NOPE...if you are looking for lemon drops and rainbows this is not the place to find it, folks! 

Here is the honest truth...

I am 8 days away from the happiest day of my life and while it is SUPER is also very overwhelming. No one tells you about the little tiny details that keep you up at night or the ugly, hot-mess break downs you can have at the drop of a hat...seriously...I was just crying over a pedicure the other day....A PEDICURE!!!  UGH! Seriously, this time in your life is a whirlwind of emotions, but I am not here to vent out my wedding woes to you today.  I am here to give you a few tips that can help and prepare you for what is to come. 

Let's do this! 

#1- Things will go wrong and it is OKAY-

If you are sitting there going, "Oh, yeah! I totally can handle that, I do it every day in my classroom. Pssshht, I got this!"... EEHHHH!!! (that's my buzzer noise) I did the exact same thing and let me tell you...there will be things that make you lose your mind!  Reception venues will be changed, deposits will be lost, overbearing family/in-laws/ bridal party members will push you to your breaking point, dresses will be lost or back-ordered, etc.  The list goes on and on.  Guess what...IT IS OKAY! ...well, it won't seem okay, but it will be! Sometimes "things going wrong" actually turn out way better than you had planned to begin with.

You know those moments where you trot off your lesson plan and your lesson ends up being WAY longer than you had planned, but you and your students loved every moment of it?  It's kind of like that! I mean, you probably won't "love" every moment of the chaos that you are in the midst of, but it will make you and your relationships stronger. Just remember...DEEP BREATHS (and maybe some wine).

#2 Stay organized!

I think this is a given, but I will give you some suggestions that have helped me!  If you don't know, I am in LOVE with Erin Condren (well, not her personally, but her products). I have used my Life Planner throughout my entire wedding process and it has saved my life.  I can color code (a teacher's dream) my appointments, make to do lists and keep "normal life" events all in one place! I also have the carry-all bag that I keep receipts, gift cards, thank you's etc. in for when I am on the go. (I have a video about my EC life planner...just click here).  Click here to get $10 off your first purchase! 

Another thing I have used to keep everything organized are those GIANT clear totes from Target. THEY ARE AMAZING! I have one for all of our groomsmen and usher gifts, another one holds my bridesmaids gifts, one holds all of the items that need to go to my wedding planner the week of the wedding  (yes, I have a wedding planner and I am so glad I do...I strongly suggest one!) and one more tub to collect gifts from our wedding.  Yes, it is a lot of totes, but it keeps my mind at ease and it helps me keep everything together. 

#3 Let your opinion be heard...within reason

This is a hard one for some people, not me, but I have had some moments where it has been difficult. It is very easy to get caught up in thinking about your guests, bridal party, family etc. while you are planning. The important thing to do is to be able to voice your opinion without coming across like a total "Bridezilla" (you catch more flies with honey).  When voicing your opinion here are things to keep in mind:

1- Listen to what your planner/mother/friend/whoever is saying that way you get all of the information

2- Take a deep breath and collect your thoughts. Make sure you think all the way through the plan or proposal they gave you. Keep breathing

3- Say "Okay... what if..." or "Okay...sounds great!" or "Okay...I have a concern/question" in a very calm voice. 

4- State your question or concern. 

Now, I always preface my statements with "I am still very confused about this, would you mind explaining it again?" or "Okay, so let me make sure I have this correct...(repeat what they told me and get feedback), what if we were to....?"  These small phrases and deep breaths have kept me from completely blowing a gasket many times! 

#4 Think like a Bridesmaid

This is one of my biggest pet peeves when it comes to weddings. I have seen many Brides come in to planning with this "you owe me" kind of attitude. Now, let's get something straight...NO ONE OWES YOU ANYTHING just because you are getting married.  Yes, it would be very nice if people would help or be your shoulder to cry on, but don't demand it from people! That's just...well, ridiculous!  When I got engaged and we began looking at our wedding party, I tried to keep in mind all of the things I had experienced as a bridesmaid (the good and the bad).  I made a list of the things I wanted to keep in mind for my Bridesmaids and I stuck to it as much as I could.

My list included the following things:

- Keep the dress cost reasonable (around 130-180)...I started shopping for Bridesmaids dresses right away and got exactly what I wanted! 

-Find reasonable shoes (cost and height) something that can truly be worn again. (No stilettos!)

- Gifts that can be used again! (Follow me on Instagram or my blog to see gifts will be posted on June 11th!)

- DO NOT demand that they pay for multiple gifts, showers, etc. They are already paying for a hotel, taking time off of work, a dress, shoes and a gift on their own. 

- Get bridesmaids input. I had my sister and best friend close by anytime I made a final decision. I made sure that they were honest with me, but understood my side of things. My mother was also a very large voice of reason when it came to decisions. This was extremely helpful. 

*I also made (quiet a few) google forms to collect dates from my Bridesmaids, opinions etc.  I may have gotten a little too happy with the google forms, but they worked!*

#5 Take it all in and be thankful

It is VERY easy to get caught up in check-lists and lose sight of the overall outcome.  Remember to take moments to soak it all in. If you are like me and you have a hard time taking a step back...keep friends on speed dial that can help pull you back. These people are the ones that you will need in the last few days before your wedding and they are hard to come by.  You will only get to do the planning for this wedding once, so enjoy it (even the difficult ones, because you will laugh about them later). 

 Take moments to thank the people that have listened to you vent or handed you tissues when you were crying.  The people you have surrounding you at these moments are people that you will want in your life for year to come...cherish them. 

There ya have it! Those are the things I have learned throughout my personal wedding process. I hope you find them helpful! Just for fun...I have attached my wedding itinerary template! Creating is my outlet and late at night when I am feeling overwhelmed I create and play with my TPT stuff! ya go! (Click the image to download)

Follow me on Instagram and on my blog to catch up with me on my wedding day, honeymoon and for more posts about my wedding! 

Happy planning to all of my Teacher-Brides! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

June Currently!

Hey there! I am here to link-up (finally) with the amazing Farley and the Currently link-up! 

First, I would like to encourage you to stop by her blog and make a donation to Wimberley Adoption Group and Rescue (WAG).  The donations will help all of the animals that have been swept away from their families during the floods. The smallest donations can make the largest difference! To read more, head over to Farley's blog! (Click image to donate)

All right, on to the link-up! 


I find Married at First Sight to be EXTREMELY interesting. It is a welcome distraction from all of the wedding chaos! 


I am so happy to be on Summer Break!!! I get to spend time outside, no papers to grade and I am not cooped up in my classroom!! 


I should probably knock a few things off of my wedding checklist, but I really just want to take a little more time to enjoy the peace and quiet. Maybe in an hour?!?! We will see. 


A SUPER LONG massage would be amazing right now! I carry all of my stress in my shoulders which has been triggering tension headaches the past few weeks.  I also break out in hives when I stress out, so relieving this stress would be great. I don't want to be a hive-y bride! 


I should definitely squeeze a serious workout in today.  I think Karena and Katrina from Tone it Up! are calling my name! #sweatingforthewedding

Summer Lovin'-

My wedding is 9 days away!! I just posted a Teacher-Bride post over at The Primary Pack with my reflections on the wedding process thus far! Feel free to check it out. 

I also need to start thinking about outfits to wear at Disney for our honeymoon!!! EEKK any suggestions?!! 

This is a super short post, but lordy my mind is swamped!! 

Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook for more wedding updates! 
Who knows...maybe I will periscope the day of my wedding!! :) 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Teacher's Make the World Colorful! -Teacher Appreciation Giveaway!

Happy Teacher Appreciation Week!
I am so excited to be teaming with the girls from The Primary Pack to bring you this fabulous GIVEAWAY!! We really want you to know how much we appreciate you and how amazing we think you are. Teachers are the most dedicated, hard-working people around, and we want to celebrate YOU! So, we are giving away a gift card to one of our favorite places to shop (can you guess what mine is?!)...BUT we didn't stop there!  We also will be giving away a GRAND PRIZE over at The Primary Pack!
Here on my blog, I am giving away one $25.00 gift card to....
my cute-ified planner obsession...
ERIN CONDREN!!! Have you seen this stuff? I am don't know what I would do without my life planner or my amazing gift tags! 

I absolutely love Erin Condren's products and I know you will too! 

Enter the Rafflecopter below to win! The giveaway will run through Sunday, May 10th! 

And now, for the GRAND PRIZE!!


Over at the Primary Pack, we are giving away a $250.00 gift card to Tieks!! Yes...that's right, Tieks!! The most COLORFUL, comfortable, Italian leather shoes around! When know how much money you have undoubtedly put into your classroom this year for resources and supplies--so this giveaway is all about a splurge just for  YOU! For $250.00, you can even get a FANCY pair!! To enter, click HERE or click on the image below!

WOOHOO!! Thank you for being an amazing educator and joining in all of the fun! Don't forget to visit each of our blogs for a chance to win even more great prizes! 

   WOOHOO!! Thank you for being an amazing educator and joining in all of the fun! Don't forget to visit each of our blogs for a chance to win even more great prizes! 

Saturday, May 2, 2015

May Currently!

Hey there! Long time, no see!!! 

I finally had a minute to catch up on my Currently posts with the awesome Farley! 

Here is what I am up to:

Listening- It is a cloudy day where I am at, but the breeze coming through the windows is amazing! I love spring!

Loving- I am to the tail end of wedding planning (I meet with my wedding planner today) and I am so VERY VERY blessed to have so many amazing people in my life.  My future Husband is so supportive, my family loves me unconditionally and my friends have my back no matter what.  Good vibes all around, folks!! 

Thinking- I need to pack! Between packing up my classroom and my apartment, I really need to start moving! I am having a hard time trying to figure out where to put everything in my new home or what my soon-to-be hubby could take now so we don't have to move it later...yikes. THEN...I am job hunting, so I don't know where I am going to move all of my classroom stuff too!! AHH!! I think I need a storage unit...or two! 

Wanting- I really just need someone to come tell me what to pack up and what I will need.  This person is usually my mother, but between wedding planning and my father being in Dubai for the whole month (yowza!) of may she has a lot on her plate. I just need a swift kick in the backside to get this packing going. 

Needing- The seasons changing means that my eyes and nose are running like a leaky faucet. It's super attractive, folks. My students kept a running tally yesterday of how many times I was at 20 before lunch time...whoops! I guess it's a good way to practice tallying..?

Summer!- Oh my, it can't be here soon enough. 
Yes=I get married in June! I am so nervous/excited/scared! 
Hope= We are going to Disney on our honeymoon!!! I really love Eeyore and I hope I get to meet him! 
Dream= My Fiancé lives in a townhouse with two roommates and our fur child.  Our dog at the carpet in our living room...not just a little...ALOT! Our tack boards are exposed and we can pull the carpet (and what is left of the pad) half way across the room. I really am dreaming of a day when we can afford to buy new carpet...or may wood flooring :) 

Well, that's it folks! I am off to meet with my wedding planner...if you're lucky I'll post some sneak peek photos on Instagram!! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Friday, March 6, 2015

Trashy Crafter Giveaway Winner Announced!!

Happy Friday! I am here to let you know that we have a winner of my Trashy Crafter giveaway! 

And the winner is.....

Congratulations Teresa! 

Check you email for directions on how to get your amazing bracelet! 

Now, don't worry if you didn't win! 

If you have had your eye on one of these amazing bracelets (and you are a friendly follower of my blog) you can use the code "booklover" to get 15% off your own purchase!! 

Phew! Well, I am off to bed! It's been a long week of Parent/Teacher Conferences and Professional brain has ceased functioning (I put my cell phone in the fridge and couldn't find it for 30 minutes). 

Sooooooo, I am starting my two week break the right way by crawling into bed at 9:30! WOOHOO for being a grown up! 

Thank you to all that participated in this giveaway! Don't forget to follow my blog for more posts and fun giveaways! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently & Giveaway!!

Hey there! I am here to link up with Farley for her monthly Currently link up!

Listening- My fiancé and I just finished watching Big Hero 6 (it's amazing)...and now we are trying to find something to watch. I want to watch Chicago, but he doesn't seem to keen on that. 

Loving- This week is my last week of school before I start a glorious 2 week break! I just have to make it through two days of Parent/Teacher Conferences and a PD day and I'm free! I also have a blog post to come up with for the Primary Pack on the any ideas or questions for me about conferences?! I would love to answer them! 

Thinking- I have an AWESOME Giveaway running this week! Check out this homemade bracelet and enter for a chance to win one of your own! 

Wanting- My fiancé and I attempted to try sorting through the things in my apartment to see what he could start taking to his house, since that is where we will live after we get married.  Needless to say, we failed miserably. I can't part with my stuff! I really need someone who can help go through and ease me into letting go of some of my things.  I know I can't keep it all, but UGH!! 

Needing- I have been using MyFitness Pal to kick my awful eating habits. I am hoping to work out at least 10 of the 14 days that I have off in the next few weeks. I also have a large pile of laundry that I need to wash so I can get those workouts in. I think I need a snow day where I can walk around my apartment in my jammies and get my "normal people clothes" clean. 

Spring Break Plans- I am looking forward to wedding planning, bridal showers, sleeping in and relaxing with this that I love! 

I hope you have a lovely week! Don't forget to enter my giveaway below! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

A Trashy Crafter GIVEAWAY!!!

Hey there! I hope you are having a wonderful day! 

I have a question for you. Did you happen to see my super adorable bracelet on Instagram the other day?

This one...

SUPER CUTE, right?! 

I am completely obsessed with this bracelet and here is why.  Those "beads" you see are actually book pages from "The Notebook", one of my all time favorites! This handmade bracelet was a huge hit at school with my students and colleagues. So much so, that a few of them even went and bought a bracelet for themselves later that night! 

Thanks to the AH-MAZ-ING Kimberly from Trashy Crafter, my bracelet and I have been turning heads for weeks! Kimberly and her mother save millions of old stories from being tossed in the trash and taking those pages of those books and turning them into amazing handmade jewelry. 

You want your own handmade book bracelet?  Then you are in the right place! Kimberly and I will be giving 1 lucky winner a 2 piece book bracelet of their very own! 

Check out the giveaway below! 

Want to know the process of making a book bead bracelet? Check out Trashy Crafter on their blog! 

There is even more good news, the gals at Trashy Crafter are going to give my blog followers 15% when you purchase anything from their Etsy shop! 

So, what are you waiting for?! Go browse their shop and wear your favorite story to wear around your wrist! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Monday, February 16, 2015

Follower Extravaganza Giveaway!!

Hey there!! Something amazing just happened! I hit some amazing follower goals...check it out! 

2,000 followers on Instagram
300 followers for my TPT store
100 followers on Twitter 
600 likes on Facebook!! 

This means that I get to share an amazing GIVEAWAY with all of you!! YAY!!! 

Some of my friends from The Primary Pack graciously decided to help me out with this giveaway by donating Store Credit to their Teacher's Pay Teacher's stores!! 

Here is the break down....

One lucky winner will receive...

$10 store credit to the following stores:

And $5 store credit to the following stores:


What do you think?! You ready to enter for your chance to win?!

Here ya go!!! 

Good luck!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In case you missed it..."Said no teacher ever!"

Hey there! I'm enjoying a cozy snow day and I thought I would share what I have been up to! 

First, I have updated my "Meet Megan" page on this contains a direct link to saving you $10 off of your first Erin Condren purchase! YAY! 

Next, I spent an hour or so exploring all of the awesome bloggers that have linked up to my "Blog party"'s amazing! 

Finally, I made another video! I don't know about you, but I feel like January has just been dragging on forever and I needed to lighten the mood. 
So, I decided to make a video that would, hopefully, provide some people with a few laughs. I don't know about you, but I just needed a laugh to kick of the month of February. ya go! My "Said no teacher ever" video! 

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little video. Don't forget to submit your questions for me under the "Ask Megan" tab. I am also VERY VERY close to having a follower don't forget to follow my blog, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Have a wonderful week!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Super Bowl Sale and a short video!

Hey there! Just wanted to stop by quick and let you know of some awesome stores that will be holding a Super Bowl Sale on Teacher's Pay Teacher's! 

Click the image to be taken directly to my Teacher's Pay Teacher's store!  

Check out these other awesome seller's while you are at it!" title="click to view in an external page.">An InLinkz Link-up

ANNNDDDD....I am also working on a vlog post containing jokes and stories from you!! Do you have a sarcastic comment or just something you find to be humorous!?! 

Check this out! Hop over to my "Ask Megan" page and click the link at the bottom to submit yours! 
Post goes live on The Primary Pack on Monday! 

Well, that's all I've got! Have a great weekend, folks!

Thursday, January 22, 2015

My LOVE for Erin Condren!-Ask Megan

Hey there! Happy Thursday! I'm here with something SUPER exciting! 

In the past few weeks I have been asked the following questions:

"Megan, what kind of planner do you suggest for a first year teacher?"
"Megan, Why did you switch your lesson plan format?"
"Which Erin Condren product do you like better, the Teacher planner or the Life planner?"

...there were a few more like this and they are coming from all over! My principal was curious, my Kindergarten teacher wanted to know, my friends on Instagram were asking...SOOOOOOO

I MADE A VIDEO (shocker) to answer these questions! 

Now, here is what you need to do...

1) Watch the video to hear my answers to all these great questions. (WARNING: I make lots of facial expressions)

2) Scroll down below the video link in this post for direct links to the items I share in the video. 

3) Click the $10 DOLLAR OFF LINK to sign up and receive $10 off your first Erin Condren Purchase! 

Easy enough, right? ya go! 

So, what did you think? Are you in love?! 


Here are the links to the items I mentioned in the video

A Teacher's Plan-GO NEBRASKA!!

Erin Condren-Life Planner

Erin Condren-Teacher Planner

Well, that's it! Don't forget to follow my blog, TPT store and all social media outlets to keep up with me and these awesome happenings! 

Have a great weekend, folks!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Friday, January 9, 2015

I want to hear from YOU!

Hey there! I hope you are all enjoying your weekend by relaxing and bingeing on Netflix, Serial podcasts and adult beverages. WOOHOO! 

My fun filled weekend started off with a question that has been sitting in the back of my mind for a few weeks now.  As many of you know, I recently started making video tutorials to help my bloggy friends (you) make their lives easier.  I am NO expert at making these videos, but I have found that it is kind of fun to get to actually talk "to" people. 

However,  I began to wonder a few things about the two (yes, only two) tutorials I have made:

1) Is anyone really watching them? (I feel the same way about my blog sometimes ha!)

2) Are people finding them helpful? (I could just be rambling...I have a tendency to do that)

3) Do people want more or do they want me to stop? (I can be a lot to handle...maybe the computer/blog is a good buffer.)

So, I decided to ask you guys for you HONEST opinions. YES...I really mean HONEST. I don't do well with awkwardly kind comments people use to tell you "your videos suck" or that I sound like the  Alvin's long lost sister from the chipmunks (I've got the cheeks for it, folks). is your chance! You get to tell me what you think, what you need and what you want to see! My goal is to help others....I love collaborating ,which is one of the major reasons I started blogging.  No, my punctuation isn't always correct and I make up words that don't truly exist...WHO CARES ( mother, honestly...and I'm sure there are others).


By clicking on the image below, the one with my face on it, you will be redirected to a google form.  Fill out the google form and let me know what you would like to see, send me questions or simply tell me to stop with the videos (it's your chance to be honest). 

What are you waiting for? Go for it! 

I truly appreciate any and all feedback! Thank you for taking the time to fill it out and leave your honest comments. 

I hope you all have an AH-MA-ZING weekend! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Get started with Class Dojo- A Tutorial!

Hey there! I'm back with another tutorial! WOOHOO!!! 
This is my second tutorial and I am so excited to be able to share it with you guys! If you would like to see my first tutorial over QR codes click here!

Pin this image or share it on Instagram (tag me, of course) and share your thoughts!

Today's tutorial is over Class Dojo! I have had a lot of questions about how I use Class Dojo in my classroom, so I thought I would show you how I use it and how you can get started with Class Dojo for your classroom! 

Now, I am long winded and there is A LOT of things that I LOVE about Class Dojo, so the first video was around 30 minutes long. YIKES, right?! SOOOO...I cut it down to 20 minutes, because no one wants to sit and listen to me drone on about Class Dojo for 30 minutes...well, not unless you are getting Professional Development points for it! So...I am going to preface this video with this:

If you still have questions or need help with getting started on Class Dojo after you have watched the video...PLEASE CONTACT ME! I would be more than happy to help you out! 

Be sure to check out the links below to see more blogs, TPT products and Pinterest pages for ideas on how to make Class Dojo work for you!

Here ya go!! 

Links to help you get started! 

Products on TPT...



Pbis and Class Dojo

More blogs on Class Dojo

Middle School Pins for Class Dojo

Phew! That was a lot of information! I hope you found it helpful! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at I would be more than happy to help you get started!! 

Well, that's all I have for you guys! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!