Friday, March 6, 2015

Trashy Crafter Giveaway Winner Announced!!

Happy Friday! I am here to let you know that we have a winner of my Trashy Crafter giveaway! 

And the winner is.....

Congratulations Teresa! 

Check you email for directions on how to get your amazing bracelet! 

Now, don't worry if you didn't win! 

If you have had your eye on one of these amazing bracelets (and you are a friendly follower of my blog) you can use the code "booklover" to get 15% off your own purchase!! 

Phew! Well, I am off to bed! It's been a long week of Parent/Teacher Conferences and Professional brain has ceased functioning (I put my cell phone in the fridge and couldn't find it for 30 minutes). 

Sooooooo, I am starting my two week break the right way by crawling into bed at 9:30! WOOHOO for being a grown up! 

Thank you to all that participated in this giveaway! Don't forget to follow my blog for more posts and fun giveaways! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

Sunday, March 1, 2015

March Currently & Giveaway!!

Hey there! I am here to link up with Farley for her monthly Currently link up!

Listening- My fiancé and I just finished watching Big Hero 6 (it's amazing)...and now we are trying to find something to watch. I want to watch Chicago, but he doesn't seem to keen on that. 

Loving- This week is my last week of school before I start a glorious 2 week break! I just have to make it through two days of Parent/Teacher Conferences and a PD day and I'm free! I also have a blog post to come up with for the Primary Pack on the any ideas or questions for me about conferences?! I would love to answer them! 

Thinking- I have an AWESOME Giveaway running this week! Check out this homemade bracelet and enter for a chance to win one of your own! 

Wanting- My fiancé and I attempted to try sorting through the things in my apartment to see what he could start taking to his house, since that is where we will live after we get married.  Needless to say, we failed miserably. I can't part with my stuff! I really need someone who can help go through and ease me into letting go of some of my things.  I know I can't keep it all, but UGH!! 

Needing- I have been using MyFitness Pal to kick my awful eating habits. I am hoping to work out at least 10 of the 14 days that I have off in the next few weeks. I also have a large pile of laundry that I need to wash so I can get those workouts in. I think I need a snow day where I can walk around my apartment in my jammies and get my "normal people clothes" clean. 

Spring Break Plans- I am looking forward to wedding planning, bridal showers, sleeping in and relaxing with this that I love! 

I hope you have a lovely week! Don't forget to enter my giveaway below! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 

A Trashy Crafter GIVEAWAY!!!

Hey there! I hope you are having a wonderful day! 

I have a question for you. Did you happen to see my super adorable bracelet on Instagram the other day?

This one...

SUPER CUTE, right?! 

I am completely obsessed with this bracelet and here is why.  Those "beads" you see are actually book pages from "The Notebook", one of my all time favorites! This handmade bracelet was a huge hit at school with my students and colleagues. So much so, that a few of them even went and bought a bracelet for themselves later that night! 

Thanks to the AH-MAZ-ING Kimberly from Trashy Crafter, my bracelet and I have been turning heads for weeks! Kimberly and her mother save millions of old stories from being tossed in the trash and taking those pages of those books and turning them into amazing handmade jewelry. 

You want your own handmade book bracelet?  Then you are in the right place! Kimberly and I will be giving 1 lucky winner a 2 piece book bracelet of their very own! 

Check out the giveaway below! 

Want to know the process of making a book bead bracelet? Check out Trashy Crafter on their blog! 

There is even more good news, the gals at Trashy Crafter are going to give my blog followers 15% when you purchase anything from their Etsy shop! 

So, what are you waiting for?! Go browse their shop and wear your favorite story to wear around your wrist! 

Thanks for stoppin' by!