Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Currently!

Hey there! Happy Wednesday or should I say HAPPY MAY! Holy cow! This year seems to have just flown by...well, except for those SUPER long weeks where I constantly thought it was the Tuesday and it turned out to be Monday, but still it has just zoomed right on by! 

If you follow my Instagram account you have seen my lovely stack of lamination that never seems to shrink. I have been working like crazy to prep centers and things for next year, which may explain my absence from my cute lil' blog! I promise I'm not giving up...just working on my classroom To-do list (which never seems to get shorter...hmm strange how that works). 

Well folks, on this lovely Wednesday I will be partaking in the magical CURRENTLY linky party!  This magnificent link-up was created by the amazing Farley, who I absolutely love (sorry if that seems strange, but she is pretty amaze-a-tastic)! 

Let's get this party rollin'...

Listening- I have my iTunes radio playing while I have my T.V. on mute (don't ask me why). I love Katy Perry...I may or may not have been dancing and singing along at the top of my lungs :).

Loving- I am SO excited to see Friday!  This week was a little rough with our MAP testing. My firsties will be testing out of their little minds in these last few weeks, I think we are all ready for a break from reviewing.

Thinking- I sprinted out of Jazzercise tonight and up 3 flights of stairs to my apartment when I saw Farley's post about the linky! I have been waiting for it all day and I just was so excited! Needless to say, I haven't showered and I kind of stink. Be happy you aren't sitting next to me right now...ha!

Wanting- I found my wedding shoes and ordered them on Sunday! I was hoping they would be here today, but sadly they are not. I know my wedding is still a year away but,  I just want to wear them around to vacuum that too much to ask?!

Needing- If you follow my Instagram account (which I think you should since I use is CONSTANTLY) you have noticed my LARGE pile of lamination that never seems to shrink.  I am needing a break from cutting things out and will gladly pay you in jokes and beverages :)! Any takers?!

SUUUU-PRISE!- I am tagging KinderMolly's TPT store. She is an adorable creator that has some AH-DOR-ABLE products. Be sure to check her out!
That's not all!!!!!! 

You will not want to miss out on my latest giveaway! Enter for the chance to win my End of the Year Extravaganza Pack to finish off your school year with a KA-POW!

Well folks, that's all I have for you tonight! I hope you have a wonderful weekend! There will be no Five for Friday post tomorrow, but you can follow my Instagram to keep up with me! 

Thanks for stoppin' by! 


  1. I love cutting laminating stuff. It is kinda sad. Just found you on instagram. LOVE your pictures.
    During our last day of school I am planning to make them clean after our class party :)
    My Second Sense

  2. I taught first grade for eight years before moving to fourth, fifth, and sixth graders. I remember all that cutting. Some years I had more help than others.

  3. If you ever find anyone who loves to cut out laminate, please let me know. I'm drowning in it most of the time! I've got to get started on next year's stuff... so jealous you're already on a roll :) Hope your shoes come soon, and so glad to find you on the Currently! :)

    First Grade Fairytales

  4. You are TOO nice!! :) Thank you!!

    When I started school last year, it was like I was ROLLING in the laminate.

    But that smell.. something about it just makes you want to laminate MORE!

  5. I am lucky to have a teaching assistant who LOVES to cute out lamination. I am sure if you send it her way she can help you out ;)
    Hope those shoes arrive soon!!

  6. I absolutely enjoy cutting out my that weird??
    Also, I'm still trying to decide what to do for the last day of school. Good thing I still have just more than a month to get that figured out!
    Enchanting Elementary

  7. I couldn't decide on my wedding shoes-I remember having 5 boxes lined up in my closet so I could stare at them! Luckily Zappo's has free return shipping! :) On the last day of school, we will spend the morning cleaning and organizing the entire classroom library, cleaning, then the afternoon is reserved for our class party and the 4th grade clap out ceremony. :)

  8. I love your cute blog. Blog hoppin' tonight. I teach science to 400 K-5th graders so on the last day of school, we are doing some getting ready for summer science...I am working on making a new packet for that. It is all in my head yet. Yikes. Gotta get it done. It is at the top of my to do list. Hope your shoes get here soon.

    Renee at The Science School Yard
