Wednesday, February 4, 2015

In case you missed it..."Said no teacher ever!"

Hey there! I'm enjoying a cozy snow day and I thought I would share what I have been up to! 

First, I have updated my "Meet Megan" page on this contains a direct link to saving you $10 off of your first Erin Condren purchase! YAY! 

Next, I spent an hour or so exploring all of the awesome bloggers that have linked up to my "Blog party"'s amazing! 

Finally, I made another video! I don't know about you, but I feel like January has just been dragging on forever and I needed to lighten the mood. 
So, I decided to make a video that would, hopefully, provide some people with a few laughs. I don't know about you, but I just needed a laugh to kick of the month of February. ya go! My "Said no teacher ever" video! 

Well, I hope you enjoyed that little video. Don't forget to submit your questions for me under the "Ask Megan" tab. I am also VERY VERY close to having a follower don't forget to follow my blog, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook

Have a wonderful week!

Thanks for stoppin' by! 


  1. Just joined your "blog" party!!!!! Thanks for doing the link-up! Have a super rest of the week!! :)


  2. I just laughed hysterically at this after a rough teaching day! Thank you!!!

  3. I am so behind on watching this!! I was literally cracking up with each one! Love this Meg. Thanks for some laughs this morning! :)


  4. شركة مكافحة فئران بالمدينة المنورة
    يعتبر فصيلة الفأران من الحيوانات القارضة ولكن مزعج بشكل كبير اذا دخل منزل أو مكان مغلق ولكن يوجد شركات لأبادة هذه الفئران التي تسبب ذعر كبير للمنزل وتسبب في الحرائق وهذه الشركات تقضي عليها بشكل فعال عن طريق مصائد للفئران أو رش مبيد معين لها بعد تنظيف المكان من الفئران .
