YAY! You have made it through another week successfully! I'm glad to see you here and could not be more honored that you are kicking your weekend off with me.
So, let's get this thing rollin'!

Go Huskers! This weekend I will be sporting my red in honor of Nebraska's Spring Game. Now, I know that it isn't a HUGE deal, but it is a sign! The Spring Game means that warmer weather is heading our way, grills at tailgates will be sizzling with Fairbury hot-dogs and football games will be found on every TV channel. It may just be one of my FAVORITE times of the year! GO BIG RED!

Earlier this week I decided to try something new. I have heard and seen a lot about Farley and her "currently" linky party. In fact, Farley was one of the FIRST blogs I ever followed...crazy, right?! So, I decided to take a chance and join in on one of the largest link-ups I have ever seen!
You can click on the image to see my "Currently" post! It was very exciting and a little scary to jump into such a large link-up, but I will definitely be doing it again in the future! Okay...so I know you may think that it isn't a big deal that I joined in a link up. I just thought it was really cool that I ( a little first grade teacher from Nebraska) was able to join in on a blog that I have followed since my first days of teaching! It was awesome!

Okay....so this has NOTHING to do with education, but I just can't resist. I found this little chevron number at a half-price store and I just couldn't leave it there! I love patterns (gray chevron being one of my faves) and I have been looking for a little something to cute-ify my apartment. As you can see, it is the perfect place to drop everything I have in my arms as I come barreling in through the door. I absolutely love it...now if only I could organize the rest of my apartment....NAH!

If you follow me on Instagram at all, you would have seen this post earlier in the week.
My students know from day one that I have 3 favorite animals: dogs, cows and zebras. One of my kiddos "borrowed" this project from her little brother so she could give it to me as a gift! This adorable little cow is hanging on the bulletin board right behind my desk...every time I look at it I think of her little story that goes with it! AH...I love my firsties!

My newest product is up and running! My kiddos struggle with skip counting so I whipped up this center pack that makes skip counting a little more hands-on. This pack focuses on counting by: 2's, 3's, 5's, and 10's. Each group of skip-counting cards also follows a pattern with the clip art images this will help the kiddos figure out the correct order AND it gives us educator folk the ability to simply glance over from our small group or needy student and see if they are on the right track! Click the image to hop over to my TPT store to grab yourself your very own copy!
Thanks for hanging with me for my Five for Friday. I hope you enjoyed your stop here on my little blog! I hope you have a wonderful weekend filled with warm weather and relaxing...maybe a little productive if you need to be :).
Thanks for stoppin' by!
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